With a win over #1 Alabama in football the Vandy (Vanderbilt) fans tore down the goal post and carried it 3.5 miles and threw it into the Cumberland River... It was retrieved and cut up into pieces and was sold: 4 inch piece-$1095 8 inch piece-$4025 All pieces were sold immediately and most of the money paid the fine of $100,000 for tearing down the goal post and replacing a new one. Crazy-yet it happened in America.
I John 2:15: Stop loving this evil world and all that it offers you, for when you love these things you show that you do not really love God... Living bible Paraphrase I enjoy the Razorback football team, but I am not willing to buy a piece of a goal post if the Razorbacks beat Alabama.
The Vanderbilt victory will eventually pass away, but the man or woman who does God's will, will live forever.