Saturday’s event to celebrate the 175th birthday of Calhoun County was a rousing success. Members of Calhoun County attended a Black history program developed by Lillie Randall and Helene Lambert that celebrated many of the extraordinary Black figures through Calhoun County history and present. Though there were funerals and a basketball tournament that caused some students to be unable to attend, several girls from the school wore traditional African clothing as they read the names and occupations of doctors and nurses, military veterans, earliest Black settlers to the county, and more. Marvette Pumphrey sang a solo a capella, and she was also joined by Mary Rochelle on piano along with community choir members Bobbye Holmes and Jacquelyn Thompson for another song. Helene Lambert read two powerful poems written for the occasion. After the program, participants enjoyed refreshments and conversation.
Sandra Sanders, Calhoun County Museum Curator, reminded all attendees that our local museum seeks to tell the whole history of the county, from all perspectives. We hope to be able to include much more historical documentation of the local Black community as time goes on, and welcome anyone to bring us photos and documents to copy and return to you or stories and history to share. Happy 175th Birthday, Calhoun County! Stay tuned to the Calhoun County Museum’s Facebook page for other exciting events coming up soon!